
BBQ at eLC HQ with MTI and IML

2nd December 2022

The BBQ for IML & MTI was the last cohesion for the year 2022 held at the eLC HQ.

We had many colleagues who made their way for this BBQ even from various different project locations and it proved to be a great turn-up.


The friendly faces of IML!

Those who recently joined eLC family had to introduce themselves, whilst the rest of the attendees were encouraged to interact with the newbies and asked questions to learn more about the newcomers. eLC sure is a curious bunch, with very interesting questions thrown at the newbies!


Cheese Clariz!


Eugene and Junjie from MTI enjoying the BBQ!

We also took this opportunity to present the Long Service award to recognise the loyalty of the staff in the company. There was a whooping 20 staff! Wow!

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Happy faces with their awards presented by Mr William Chua!


It was truly a joyous occasion - spirits high, tummies full and laughter plenty!