On 25 March 2017, SAFRA Yishun organized a friendly competition, 'SAFRA On Target', to encourage bonding among family and friends. eLCians partook in this fun and competitive event. Attractive prizes were up for grabs in the friendly event, boosting excitement throughout. eLCians lived up to the "Work Hard, Play Harder@eLC" motto, eLC's for the event
The competition comprised of these activities, (1) bowling, (2) air rifle shooting and (3) archery. Team members were paired together for each game.
All geared up to have fun, eLCians met up as early as 10am to prepare for the activities, practising together to warm up before the actual start of the competition. In addition to the practicing grounds, there were many free games and free snack stalls giving out yummy treats such as popcorn, candy floss and churros.
Here's the awesome twosome being awarded for the internal competition and also claimed 2nd prize in SAFRA's overall competition!
eLCians displayed her infamous team spirit and fun as the participants played and laughed together throughout the fun-filled and eventful day at the SAFRA.
Ian Husen, Trainer at IML shared, "While honing our shooting skills through the different stations of target sports challenge, we supported one another and encourage the best in each other. Personally, I think that is the key takeaway from this event."