
eLCians' Visit to Total Defence Tour

27th February 2016


eLCians were invited to join in the tour conducted by Singapore Discovery Centre in lieu of Total Defence observance day on a beautiful, clear blue skies' Saturday.


The guided tour quoted Minster of Defence, Dr. Ng Eng Hen, "The message that we want to send out to Singaporeans is that everyone has a role and everyone needs to play a role in Total Defence."


The tour guide further reminded participants, "Together we keep Singapore strong! Explore how we can, as one people, overcome threats and challenges that Singapore faces in the Future. Understand the complex and unpredicted threats that will tests our strength, be inspired by Singaporeans who have shown that we have what it takes to serve and succeed in the future, commit to play a part in Total Defence."

Serving Singapore's Army as a regular for 36 years, eLC's Crisis Management Team's Consultant, Mr. Sathe Thas passionately proclaimed, "All Singaporeans must be fully committed to ensure Total Defence to be effective."


"Every young Singaporean should attend the tour to experience it themselves at least once and see how much technologies will have an impact for them in the next 50 years ahead," quoted TARMs Executive and tour participant, Mr. Samuel Seet.