
Army Open House 2012

24th - 28th May 2012

The Army Open House (AOH) was held on 24-28 May this year at the Singapore F1 Pit It was a good chance to reach out to the masses and present them the strengths and new upgrades of the Army. Since this also marked the 45th year of the NS program, one of the highlights includes NS45 showcase, which relived the humble beginnings of the program and the future advancements that the program is planning to accomplish.


Business head units taking a moment to pose for the camera.


Welcome to 2012 Army Open House.

Other highlights of the AOH are areas such as Army Avenue & Pavilion Display, Dynamic Show Arena, Technology and Innovation, Battle Rides Zone, Combat Zone and Carnival Zone. Each of these area presented different facades of the Armed Forces for the interest of different age groups by using.

Display exhibits which include the NS45 Showcase, the Army Avenue Pavilion Display and the Technology and Innovation Zone consisted of different multimedia materials ranging from pictures, murals, artifacts and static displays to commemorate significant moments and to build up visitors' perception of the future plans of the Army by maximizing on cutting-edge technology.

Interactive shows and demonstrations such as Dynamic Show Arena, Battle Rides Zone and Combat Zone were thrilling to the visitors as they had a chance to experience the 3G Army's war fighting concept of Precision Warfare as well as having first-hand interactions with the SAF servicemen.

eLC, who has been a valued partner of SAF for many years developing different programs, also had a chance to showcase the various past collaborations with the Army as well as new programs that it is currently developing. The Brunei Army contingent also graced the eLC exhibit and observed the different military e-learning programs of eLC.


Different e-learning programs of eLC showcased during the event such as i-Direct.


eLC staff assisting a boy trying out the simulation program.


The Brunei Army watching an eLC staff demonstrating how to use i-Direct program in learning hand signals.

It wasn't all work though, as the eLC staff enjoyed some time exploring the Open House and learning more about the different areas of the Army. It was certainly a productive event of sharing knowledge through new technologies and innovative programs.


eLC staff enjoying the food and the atmosphere while at the same time being hosts at the eLC booth.