
eLC ran in Run for Hope

20th November 2011

In year 2010, eLC participated in our National Day Parade event. For 2011, eLC participated in the National Cancer Research event, Run for Hope, held on the 20th November in support of cancer research. Besides NCCS, this event is basically organised by friends and relatives to remember and celebrate the life of a remarkably inspiring girl who passed away fighting cancer in 2008. Her name was Peikie, and her wish to do something for those in need has lived on in those who survived her, with the birth of the InHerShoes Art & Music against Cancer events such as this one.

On the bright Sunday morning, a total of 46 eLC-ians, old and young, gathered together at East Coast Park eagerly waiting the start of the run. Most of us choose the non-competitive fun run of 2Km, but there were some brave souls that went for the 10Km. Way to go mates! It was a meaningful experience and memorable because collectively as a group, we support a good cause and also raise health awareness within our company.


Some were fast, and some took their time and enjoy the scenery along the route to the finishing line. It took us slightly more than an hour for everyone to return to the end point. After the run, our CEO, Mr William Chua, arranged a sumptuous breakfast and drinks to fill our empty stomaches and quench our thirst. It was a satisfying close to the event.

Vera Hermawan's, eLC Multimedia Designer, inspired comment,

"We believe that the spirit of care and love for others should always stay among us.There is nothing more benevolent than helping others who are in need.There is nothing happier than bonding together as a family.There is nothing more exciting than reaching the finish line. This is the culture of eLC!"