
eLC Retreat@Bangkok (15-17 September)

15th September 2006

eLC, a leading eLearning service provider in Singapore with core competencies in customised eLearning content development and solutions to enable organisations to develop and deploy their own "e" content, celebrated her 3rd anniversary with a Retreat at Bangkok, the land of smiles, this year for staff mainly.

And with the commencement of this trip, eLC has just completed the three modes of travel for a holiday which is by land, air and sea (albeit it is not totally inclusive of all sorts of transport yet). First was Bintan 2004 via ferry. Second was Genting Highlands 2005 via coach. And now, air travel to Bangkok in 2006. Our co-CEO, William Chua, was mentioning that maybe we can try hiking in Nepal next or a train ride through Malaysia. I will settle for a drive-holiday in Perth if the decision was left to me. Anyway, par for being eLCians, our co-CEOs had pre-warned us that the format of our AGM will have to evolve this year. Gosh, were we under-estimating this statement!

Let us start with an appetiser of a 10-hour long talk-fest, which culminated at 6AM on Day 2, where 4 sleepy heads (pun-intended) gathered around the en-suite dining table to trash out issues (co-CEOs snoring gently in the next room and colleagues exploring the city for not-so-forbidden pleasures). After which, followed that with a main dish of AGM (starts at 10AM mind you), whereby everyone´s personalities are analysed and all flaws of the working units are exposed. Not forgetting the constant fine selection of pig trotters´ gravy on rice and wanton noodles to help ease the meal along. And, finally ending off nicely with a dessert-sweet shop-fest that did not quit till the last call at boarding gate is announced! All in all, even though total sleep time for some of us equals an amazing seven hours, we think Retreat 2006 was a success.

"It was a good time spent on reflecting what we have done so far this year and our area of focus for the coming months ahead. It is important we do not lose sight of what our focus is for each business unit and how we (together with the management and everyone in eLC) can bring it up to the next level. Of course, it was also a good time of ´female bonding´ through the shopping sessions we had." reflects Michelle Cheak, Senior Consultant.

"This year the Retreat feels different. Especially the AGM which gives us a lot of insight to each group´s dynamics. The 10-hour sharing session was great too!" quips Jinnie Ong, Technical Consultant.

Ryan Foo, Graphics Consultant, deep in thought commented. "Hmm...walk a lot, eat a lot, shop a lot, and laugh a lot..."

Benson Soong, co-CEO, has this to conclude, "As eLC evolves, we will need more people stepping up to the plate and hitting home runs. This Retreat serves as the start for our department heads to take on an active leadership position in the company, helping to steer and power eLC towards our collective destination. I´m proud of eLC´s past accomplishments, and bullish about our future as the heads take on more active roles."


The eLCians in Black


Yum yum! We had our best meal in Nam Sing and it was 95% of the menu selection!