
NDP 2016 - Sponsorship Effort

29th August 2016

After a decade, Singaporeans celebrated our nation's birthday to where it all started...back at the National Stadium.

National Day Parade (NDP) 2016 was pretty special as I would normally be a spectator watching the NDP. This year, however, I was given the opportunity along with my fellow colleagues to be part of it as our CEO, Mr. William Chua, was the Chairman of the Sponsorship Committee.

From rehearsals to National Education 1 and 2, National Day Preview 1 and 2 and National Day itself, my fellow colleagues and I were tasked to be the suite ambassador for the sponsors. I vividly remember my suite number (21), my personal favorite.

Many of our weekends were taken up but nevertheless we are not complaining as we had a fantastic time with all the sponsors, our committee, public and of cause my fellow colleagues. The most intrigued part of this year's NDP was the LED Wristband which I thought was way too cool. This NDP 2016's journey has taught me many precious lessons such as looking out for each another, lending a helping hand and being proud of our Nation.

"As eLCians, we work together; as citizens of Singapore, we grow together. Today we sow the seed; tomorrow we will see the beautiful flowers and trees. Happy Birthday Singapore!" exclaimed Durga Thevar, TARMs Executive.


We raced towards our goal to make sure that every small detail is taken care of.


Just like how a small kid gets happy when they receive a chocolate, we had the exact same reaction when we received our passes.


NDP 2016: A wefie after security clearance


In our rare free time, we posed for pictures. Basically the camera loves us.


Patriotism to another level with the removable face and hand tattoos. A selfie with Sponsorship Chairman and the goodie bags.


My personal favorite segment! The participants each wore different colored handmade skirts produced by people with special needs to represent the rainbow, envisioning future Singapore 2065.


Salute to all participants from all the Uniform Groups and Corporates.