
eLC Cohesion

16th June 2016

"...for your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends..." Sounds like a song? The more we get together! an all too familiar jingle began to ring in my mind as the function room in SAFRA Jurong began to fill-up with staff and guests of eLC on the evening of 16 June 2016. With long time no see high-fives, hand-shakes and fist-bumps, eLC came together with potent comradery and unity.

Happy voices and exuberant laughter was the order of the eLC Cohesion night. Exceeding expectations, the evening was rich with fellowship, cheer, rejoicing with our award winners and promotion candidates, good food, games of darts in I-Darts, live soccer action and loads of fun!, fun!, fun!


CEO, William Chua welcomes all and reinforces that a company that eats and plays together, STAYS together.


Living our Core Values: eLC Nurtures & Cares with recognition of their Teamwork, Professionalism, Integrity, and Commitment.


It's official, "Stamp - Chop and you're CONFIRMED!" Congrats guys! Keep Rockin'!


Well Done James G!! Resounding applause & congratulations to you on your promotion! When's your treat ah?


Game on chaps! "Own time own target..." honing our skills with excitement galore!


CEO, William Chua welcomes all and reinforces that a company that eats and plays together, STAYS together.

"It was amazing to see staff from different business units come together seamlessly, talking and laughing. These guys are more than colleagues, they are buddies. Being a new employee, I too felt right at home very quickly. Simply awesome!" gushed Jeya Anand, consultant for project IML.