
Lectora User Conference 2014

31st March to 4th April

It's that time of the year again for Lectora User Conference and this year, eLC is represented by our CEO and founder of the company Mr William Chua, and COO Mr Ryan Foo, who made the trip down to Los Angeles to join our principal Trivantis for this annual event.

The 5 days event was held in Beverly Hilton Hotel where content developers around the world met to attend various training workshops and sharing sessions with Trivantis Experts, on top of many interesting presentations by fellow Lectora users throughout the conference.



We got to witness the launch of Lectora Mobile, a new Learning Management System specifically designed for mobile application which goes in line with the current Coursemill. Users can now launch and deploy content developed in Lectora that are catered for all mobile applications. In addition, we also got a sneak preview of what's to come in Lectora V12!

Over and above all this, both CEOs from eLC and Trivantis have also got an opportunity to meet up for further discussion on the future business plans in moving ahead with the new range of products and services.

"LUC2014 has so many interesting sessions to choose from where users are happy to share their creative tips and journeys. I was spoilt for choice! It was also a good time to visit old friends and made new ones! Altogether an awesome trip" enthused Ryan.