
Closing Ceremony of MBT Leopard CBT Development Project

4th November 2010

The MBT Leopard CBT Development Project kicked off in April 2008 and after two and a half years, has finally come to a close on 4th November 2010. It was an evening of great significance for many who have tirelessly worked on the project and witnessed its successful completion.


To mark the special day, both eLC and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) decided to co-host the closing ceremony cum dinner at Equinox and invited the many hands behind the scene that contributed to the development of this project. We were honoured by the presence of our comrades in work namely from Armour, Ordnance Engineering Training Institute (OETI) and Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA).



The guests present were first treated to a video presentation highlighting the trials and jubilations of the events and people along this journey; filled with lots of funny yet insightful moments that bear testimony to the close teamwork and can-do attitude of the development team formed by both eLC and KMW for this project, and the great support provided by the clients and project manager. After which, there is a symbolic signing off of the project between the five parties consisting of MAJ Kok Kim Yong (Armour Training Institute), ME5 Gary Tey (OETI), MAJ (RET) Poon Hiang Hwee (DSTA), Mr Christian Muggenthaler (KMW), and our Head Business Development, Mr Keith Koh (eLC).


Signing ceremony.

As the evening unfolds, our Master of Ceremony, Ken, continued to lighten the mood with much appreciated humor as we enjoyed the delectable eight-course dinner courtesy of KMW. There were the occasional welcome interruptions of speeches from hosts and also guests whom only had fond memories to share. "It was a long and challenging journey and I am glad that all our hard work and commitment paid off" said William Chua, CEO of eLC.


Speech by CEO.



What started out as a formal ceremony, ended with an evening of merry-making judging from the amount of drinks thrown back and the joyous atmosphere permeating the room. All the guests were presented with a token of appreciation (a montage of the journey) and/or souvenirs to commemorate their contributions to the successful completion of the project. The ending of the night marked another milestone for eLC.