
eLC X'mas Lunch and Celebrations 2008

22nd December 2008

On 22nd December 2008 marks a normal daily routine in eLC, or is it...We had our monthly meeting to keep all the staff up to date on the achievements of eLC in the past year, and the direction forward for the coming year (time to reflect and ´re-flex´) before we proceed to our annual Christmas lunch.

This year, the event was held at Merchant Court Hotel´s Ellenborough Market Café, where we had a sumptuous lunch before ending it off with the famous Durian desserts of Merchant Court.

After the hearty meal, we got together to celebrate with our December Babies and also the joyous occasion of Christmas. Yeah! More cakes and desserts!

The day ends with our boss, William, giving away the presents for our annual gift exchange to all the staffs of eLC. In this annual tradition, staffs do an exchange of gift through a raffle draw. The day ended when the boss gave the staff a half-day off to celebrate the upcoming Christmas holidays...a well deserved break after a hard year´s work, just like eLCian´s motto: ´Work Hard, Play Hard´!



