
eLC Co-CEO William Chua is a National Day Award Recipient of the "Long Service Medal (Military)"

20th August 2007

eLC co-founder and Co-CEO William Chua is a National Day Award 2007 recipient of the "Long Service Medal (Military)". Back in 2005, William was a National Day Award 2005 recipient of the "Commendation Medal (Military)".

"William has devoted the majority of his life to the military, and even as an NS-man, his commitment to his Brigade and his men is simply inspirational," said Benson Soong, Co-CEO. "In the office, we sometimes joke that William is seen by some clients as more of a CO than a CEO, but on a serious note, one has to respect his dedication, sense of responsibility, and ability to handle both roles simultaneously. We are very happy that his efforts have been duly recognised by the organisation that he holds dearly in his heart."

When asked about his secret for how he manages to juggle work, national service, and family, William said: "My ability to balance work, national service and family comes from having accommodating and capable co-workers, professional and competent men, and a supportive family. Without them, it would have been impossible."

From all of us at eLC, congratulations, William!