
eLC Q2 Gathering @Aloha Loyang

23rd May 2007

Blood, Sweat, and Fears (no tears shed) rule the day!

Every quarter, eLCians will end work mid-day and proceed to a fun place to chill out and gel. This quarter as usual, a chalet was picked and all were looking forward to the night BBQ and a relaxing evening. But first, we must play games our beloved planner says. All in the name of building cohesion and promoting team spirit. Boy.. was she right! Who would think that a game of Captain's Ball or Dodge Ball can be so dangerous?! It brought out the competitive streak and general team spirit so well that battle wounds were suffered. And it proves to be the most bloody and sweaty ever! Just check out the pix below.


Now you know the blood and sweat part! Where did the fears come from? These guys learned first-hand that nails can be classified as a weapon, not to mentioned un-coordinated limbs of anti-sports persons can be a pain to the nose...eLC!